A Message from Rev. Dr. Edward Viljoen, Spiritual Leader

Centers for Spiritual Living stands with people all around the world who are advocating for justice, equity, inclusion, and peace. We are motivated by our vision of a world that works for everyone and, therefore, we affirm with the people of the world that Black Lives Matter. Not only do Black Lives Matter, but according to our teaching, they are sacred.
We have confidence that the momentum of support from individuals, along with, spiritual and secular organizations, is more than a fleeting moment, but rather the heralding of lasting change.
We have confidence that a new era of willingness to engage in the inner work that leads to the end of racism in our world has begun.
We have confidence that the unifying cry of our global heart, that Black Lives Matter, has struck a note of urgency in all who will hear it.
And above all, we have confidence that the Living Spirit Almighty is working through us to bring our stated belief in Oneness into form, in the social, political, judicial, spiritual, and economic realms, and importantly, in our hearts.
The recent tragic loss of Black lives in the United States and other countries due to police violence, and the myriad inequities that have resurfaced, have revealed that our world is still catching up to the vision of a world that works for everyone. We have been called to be brave enough to examine how society can be out of step with its values and how we, as individuals can be out of step with our spiritual values.
One of our values in Centers for Spiritual Living is Love as the self-givingness of the Divine to all creation, expressing through us as compassion, caring, mutual respect, and kindness. Our organization’s purpose is to awaken humanity to its spiritual magnificence. What can be more spiritually magnificent than to say a full-hearted yes to this upwelling of affirmation of the sacredness of Black lives?
We invite you to stand with Centers for Spiritual Living, and the people of the world, by affirming with us that Black Lives Matter, so that we may demonstrate the values of our teaching and embrace the emerging universal consciousness of Oneness.
Let us, therefore, light the candle of love, human kindness, forgiveness, and understanding in our soul, and let it shine brightly. Let us not peer into the darkness, troubled and concerned because it is so foreboding and unknown. Rather let us remain steadfast in the radiance of that Spiritual Light of Truth within ourselves. Let us stand guard so that the winds of malice, cross purposes, ignorance, or misunderstanding will not blow out the Light. Let us so live each day that the Light from our candle of Spiritual Knowledge will forever be clear and understood, not only by ourselves but by all with whom we come in contact. ~ Dr. Ernest Holmes, Help for Today (1958), page 99
Dr. Edward Viljoen, Spiritual Leader
Centers for Spiritual Living

About Dr. Edward Viljoen
Dr. Edward Viljoen discovered Science of Mind while reading a book on a flight from his native South Africa to the United States. Upon arriving, he searched for the nearest Religious Science Church and immediately enrolled in the available classes.
During his training as a Practitioner and then minister, he served in the World Ministry of Prayer and trained volunteers to staff the prayer lines. He was the author of the Ernest Holmes Study Guide in the Science of Mind magazine for many years. He was ordained in May 1996 and graduated as a Sonoma County Law Enforcement Chaplain in April 1999. In 2003, he was awarded an honorary Doctoral Degree in Divinity from Holmes Institute. He served as chairperson of the team responsible for guiding the Religious Science movement through its organizational restructuring. He has been senior minister of the Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa since 1995.
About the Centre for Spiritual Living White Rock
We envision a world that naturally expresses Love. We’re on a mission to awaken humanity to its Spiritual Magnificence. We offer tools for transformation, authentic self-expression, and conscious living. We believe that spiritual community is key in living a life of purpose and meaning. We gather to inspire, support, and invite heartfelt connection that empowers the soul. Watch our most recent videos here