Dear friend,
When was the last time you did something new? And how did it feel? It can be scary, exciting, and vulnerable to venture out onto your growing edge, which is why the pull to stay in your comfort zone can be quite strong. And yet, the juiciness of life - the depth of meaning and purpose - flourishes in the evolution of your soul that unfolds in the tenderness of venturing out into new territory.
These past few months have been brand new territory for me as the new spiritual director. I've felt joy, overwhelm, awe, hesitation, appreciation, insecure, energetic, confused, enthusiastic, self-conscious, and love. New beginnings encompass the whole range of human emotions and today I'm taking a moment to remember that there is space for it all. How I'm feeling is perfectly normal and even to be expected. In fact, maybe this range of emotion I'm experiencing is a sign that I'm stretching and growing in the exact right ways.
Ritual and ceremony provide a way for us to channel this emotion into a conscious and intentional beginning. It is a way to stretch that comfort zone from a place of faith: faith in one another, faith in what's unfolding, faith in our own power, and faith in Spirit.
The Installation Ceremony empowers us to move through this new beginning with confidence, clarity, mindfulness, and open hearts. It is where we celebrate the manifestation of many dreams and intentions. It is a threshold we cross together hand in hand, heart in heart. It is an answer to a calling and a new call we make together - one of prosperity, connection, growth, and healing.
I hope you will join us for this very special celebration, installation, and potluck. Your presence makes such a difference. Plus, then I can give you a hug!
Much Love,
Come celebrate our Joy with us! The Centre for Spiritual Living White Rock Board of Trustees is thrilled to invite you to join us for the official Celebration and Installation Ceremony of our wonderful and beloved Spiritual Director: Reverend Cassandra Rae.
Sunday, January 26th, 2020 10:30 am (Doors 10 am)
Potluck Reception to follow Sunnyside Community Hall 1845 154 St, Surrey, BC V4A 5J8
Officiating for this long-awaited event will be our phenomenal and amazing Interim Minister, Reverend Nadene Rogers.
For those Ministers who plan to attend, we wish to recognize your presence and with a robed Ministerial Processional for this blessed event. We ask that you arrive by 10 am to enable us to record your names to announce and honour your attendance.