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Diary of a Social-Distancer

CSL White Rock

Updated: Apr 3, 2020

Who knew that Covid-19 would be the catalyst for me to swallow my trepidation over all things tech and tiptoe forth into the vast and virtual? Self-distancing, self-isolating, and enforced quarantine certainly offers us the time and desire to do this for the connection we have come to know and love. 

The first step was updating my antivirus software (Which they said was quick and easy – Not!).  Next, I went in search of our CSL White Rock podcast from the link in last week’s newsletter. I did this because I do not have a Facebook account, or rather I cancelled my account a decade ago (and have not missed it).  

Once there, I heard the warm, welcoming voice of Tamara patiently reporting technical difficulties. (So… that’s not stressful…) Minutes later, she was back with news of possible scenarios that she was working through and encouraging us to remain comfy in our jammies with a nice hot ‘cuppa.’ I was oddly comforted to know that I may not be the only social-distancing individual who just doesn’t get dressed some days.

It wasn’t long before I was stationed in front of my laptop listening to Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers belting out the lyrics to our song, One Spirit. In short order I found myself singing along to Nadene’s personal rendition. I’m not gonna lie; I was disappointed when she ended after the first verse, just as I was getting into it. 

Suddenly, a much more relieved and smiling presider, Tamara, took the stage, welcomed us, and introduced Nadene. Instantly, my ‘laugh-out-loud’ reaction was uncontainable at what I saw next. (You will want to check it out for yourself.) Nadene has a way of captivating her audience, I became quickly riveted by her energy-packed, insightful, thought-provoking message and feeling the passion, wisdom, and vulnerability in her words. It was great to hear Nadene’s wonderful talk, so dense with Truth that I am relieved it is a recording that I can revisit and into which I can delve deeper. (Which, of course, is great now that I have this luxury of unscheduled and unlimited time.) 

I am so grateful for Rev. Cassandra dedicating many hours of her time to oversee and organize this post. I am thankful to Tamara for Presiding so graciously over the recording and working out the last-minute bugs.  I am so appreciative of the always-stellar Nadene and her many talents. Without the time, talent, and hard work of the three of you, I would have missed this most valuable connection. 

In deepest gratitude, 



Are you feeling vulnerable? Are you finding it difficult to stay grounded in principle during the covid-19 pandemic? In our first online Sunday Celebration Service, our guest speaker, Rev. Dr. Nadne Rogers provides some powerful perspectives that bring comfort and relief. In this video, you can watch her talk as well as participate in a guided meditation and healing prayer treatement:

About the author

Sherry Dolejsi focused on motherhood and chasing B.A., B.Ed., and M.Ed. degrees at UBC which resulted in a full calendar, while she raised two wonderful boys. Her new motto is ‘self-care, self-care, self-care.’ Discovering the Centre for Spiritual Living White Rock, through a chance visit just over four years ago, is undoubtedly responsible for her recent life-improving changes.

About the Centre for Spiritual Living White Rock

We believe that spiritual community is key in living a life of purpose and meaning. We gather to inspire, support, and invite heartfelt connection that empowers the soul.

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