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Down Through the Sages

CSL White Rock

By Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers

What really is the take away from life if we don’t grow as we know? Dr. Holmes tells us that we only know what we can demonstrate. I believe that humanity knows inherently what it needs to consciously demonstrate a life of peace, joy, and love - a life that is empowered, not hungry for power. But do we make decisions and take the steps that demonstrate this knowledge, or right thinking?

Recently, I was thanked by a colleague for my “sage advice.” I pondered on what it was I said to which she was responding. I concluded that it wasn’t anything I had directly said to her, but rather simply the way I demonstrated my life in loving intention to serve. There is an energy about one, which will always colour their words and actions, an energy that is bound to demonstrate our birthright of freedom.

Freedom is what we all seek. Freedom from the illusionary thoughts of who we believe we are, suppressing the full rise of the truth of who and whose we are, stumping our growth. We rarely have faith in our own sage advice and, therefore, keep seeking freedom from, rather than freedom in, ourselves.

Ancient Wisdom Teachings which live on today from those lauded as wisdom keepers have all shared the same knowing. The answer is within our acceptance and demonstration of our wholeness and oneness with all Life. And I would like to tell you a story of a woman, another colleague in fact, who demonstrated her knowledge of freedom.

Her name is Reverend Connie Phelps. During the last two months in her earthly body, she consciously transcended her form, becoming one of those wise ones who taught by means of her own demonstration of acceptance, grace, faith, and the knowing that Love is all there is. Connie intentionally took us all on a spellbinding journey of conscious dying, through conscious living.

As she was aware and active in body, soul, and in spirit, she shared the most intimate and often difficult to witness stages of leaving her body with anyone who would listen. Why? Because she needed to demonstrate her faith in the Universal Creative Process as she transformed her state of being so that others might know that same faith.

She made her physical transition on June 30th at 6:46 pm MST, was wrapped in her handmade shroud for a natural burial, and left those family and friends, who had the honor of walking beside her, changed for life. Connie, like all those down through the sages, earned her wings of freedom before she made her transition.

Do we have to die to get it? In some respects, yes. The Tao of Freedom states, one must die to the individual ‘self’ and, yet, it is our self-determination which is key in moving us into that state of being.

Here is Rev. Connie’s sage advice: Surround yourself with Frogs – “Full Realization of God” and live in faith by means of taking your own sage advice! This is how we can successfully transcend our limitations and experience freedom.

Blessings Connie. Ribbit. And So It Is.

About Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers

Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers is an active, retired minister with the Centers for Spiritual Living (CSL). She serves as the chair of the CSL Retired Minister Council, Interim Ministry.

About the Centre for Spiritual Living White Rock

We envision a world that naturally expresses Love. We’re on a mission to awaken humanity to its Spiritual Magnificence. We offer tools for transformation, authentic self-expression, and conscious living. We believe that spiritual community is key in living a life of purpose and meaning. We gather to inspire, support, and invite heartfelt connection that empowers the soul.

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