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Four Ways to Be Peace and Calm

CSL White Rock

Updated: Apr 3, 2020

During an unprecedented global pandemic, there can be waves of emotion that wash over you.

It’s extra challenging to remain grounded in your spiritual Truth when it’s so easy to get overwhelmed by the uncertainty of it all. This video is Rev. Cassandra Rae's talk from Sunday, March 29, 2020 where she explores four lifelines of peace and calm that you can use all week long.

Referenced in the talk:

The Science of Mind: A Philosophy, A Faith, A Way of Life by Ernest Holmes

This Thing Called You by Ernest Holmes

Daily Spiritual Practice at 1:00 PM:

Pause, hand on heart: be present. I remember that Love is right here and all around me. I am safe and loved. I am centered in Peace and Power. 

About the speaker

Reverend Cassandra Rae is an unexpected minister! She was raised evangelical Baptist and spent her twenties as an angry atheist. Then she had a medical crisis, which launched her onto a spiritual journey of healing and self-discovery. Now she's an advocate for an empowered spirituality that embraces your humanity as the path of knowing your divinity.

About the Centre for Spiritual Living White Rock

We are a spiritual learning centre based in South Surrey, British Columbia. We believe everyone deserves the very best that Life has to offer – just because you were born. Love, Peace, Health, Wisdom, Prosperity, and Joy are your birthright. Are you ready to make your claim?

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