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How a Health Crisis Changed My Life

My life was cracked open by a medical crisis in the spring of 2005. I was working as a tax accountant. It was a job that expanded my bank account, yet depleted my soul. One day about a week before the annual tax deadline, I began having trouble with my vision. Turns out I had a blockage in one of the arteries in my eye, which is very rare for an otherwise healthy 30-year-old woman. This scary experience with my vision awakened me to the longing of my heart – a longing I didn’t even know was there! I went on medical leave so that I could heal. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was in for quite a journey.

In fact, my whole life changed. The physical part healed quickly. It was the mental and emotional part that took some time and launched me on an entirely new trajectory. I engaged in therapy, life coaching, groups, book clubs, alternative health practices, and I painted every room in my house! Self-development and creativity became my full-time job. Ultimately, it led me to change careers and is also what brought me to ministry.

The skills, tools, ideas, and practices I’ve learned from 15 years of conscious healing work are the basis of a brand new workshop series I’m offering. No matter what I’m going through, I turn to these same core six practices and principles:

  1. Awareness with Compassionate Honesty

  2. Acceptance with Loving Boundaries

  3. Alignment with Freedom Structures

  4. Action with Responsible Risk

  5. Affection with Connected Independence, and

  6. Appreciation with Unique Equality

Most recently what I’ve discovered is that the same things that help me navigate life’s challenges are the same things that help me create what I want to experience in my life. Currently, we’re facing the Covid-19 pandemic and once again everything is changing, but this time on a global level. I’m called to offer this workshop series right now because I want to walk this path with you. I want you to have inner resources that will help support and guide you into a new era.

Please join me for my upcoming workshop series. This is the first time I’m teaching them in this format and I’m so excited to learn and grow with you. We’ve made it flexible and accessible just for you.

Click here to learn more and register today. We begin on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, and Thursday, May 7, 2020. There are two sessions for you to choose from. I’m looking forward to being with you in our virtual classroom!

About Rev. Cassandra Rae

Reverend Cassandra Rae is an unexpected minister! She was raised evangelical Baptist and spent her twenties as an angry atheist. Then she had a medical crisis, which launched her onto a spiritual journey of healing and self-discovery. Now she's an advocate for an empowered spirituality that embraces your humanity as the path of knowing your divinity.

About the Centre for Spiritual Living White Rock

We envision a world that naturally expresses Love. We’re on a mission to awaken humanity to its Spiritual Magnificence. We offer tools for transformation, authentic self-expression, and conscious living. We believe that spiritual community is key in living a life of purpose and meaning. We gather to inspire, support, and invite heartfelt connection that empowers the soul.

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