by Janet Pope

When I was asked to write the blog this week, I was excited because it provided an opportunity for me to take a look at why this teaching is so important and share how it has changed my life.
I discovered Science of Mind through my daughter who had started attending the Kelowna centre, and from our conversations, I could see that she had new attitudes I hadn’t heard her express before. When she came for a visit, we went to a CSL White Rock service and I have been attending ever since.
Everything discussed at the service made a whole lot of sense to me and gave me great comfort. I heard that nothing outside of me needed to change for me to be happy. That was a real eye-opener! I am in the same job, the same house, with the same partner, yet I am happier – I no longer look to others to create happiness for me.
The next principle that I found so comforting is that we are all one; we are all connected, all part of the one Mind. If I am dealing with a situation and don’t have the answer, I no longer worry. I know that if I put it out to the Universe, an answer will come. I don’t need to have all the answers – I am supported in whatever I try to do, so I can take the first step and the way will be shown.
It is so comforting to know that there is a Power in the Universe that wants only my good. I am loved unconditionally by this source, just by the fact that I am It’s creation. There is no one else like me, and it is my job to be the best me I can be.
Since studying Science of Mind, I have learned to trust myself more. I listen for the inner voice leading the way. I aspire to live a more authentic life. When I follow the principles, I am more tolerant, compassionate of myself and others, and I do not take things so personally.
Before I joined CSL I used to worry a lot. In fact, when I didn’t have something to worry about, I thought there must be something wrong. I worry much less now and stay centred and my ability to stay grounded is increasing all the time. I know that I am not alone, so I feel safe and at peace. But what I love most about the teaching is realizing that I can create the life I want just by following the laws and principles of this teaching and using Spiritual Mind treatment.
I, also, love the sense of sacred community that we have created at CSL White Rock, which is why I continue to serve on the board. This teaching has helped me so much and I want it to be there for others.
Since joining CSL White Rock eight years ago, my life has changed for the better: I’m happier, more at peace, more tolerant, more compassionate, and, most importantly these days, more grounded during stressful times. I am so grateful to know the Truth of the philosophy of New Thought and particularly of Science of Mind. Thanks to the Centres for Spiritual Living and this teaching, I am blessed to find this teaching in my own back yard of South Surrey. May it live on!
About the Author
Janet Pope feels fortunate to work in a job that is both satisfying and fascinating at the natural health clinic. She raised two wonderful daughters and now has one terrific grandson. Life since then has been a great adventure when she blended her new partner’s ready-made family. Janet is thrilled to serve on the Board of Trustees for CSL White Rock, which promotes a strong, healthy community in her hometown.
About the Centre for Spiritual Living White Rock
We are a spiritual learning centre based in South Surrey, British Columbia. We believe everyone deserves the very best that Life has to offer – just because you were born. Love, Peace, Health, Wisdom, Prosperity, and Joy are your birthright. Are you ready to make your claim?