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Practicing Critical Awareness

Updated: Dec 4, 2019

Hello Dear One,

There’s something very cool about giving a talk each week: I learn so much! This past Sunday, I discovered something that bears repeating: If you live under the expectations to conform to someone else’s idea of who you’re supposed to be, the weight will crush you. But, if you cultivate the courage to step out of the expectations, then you will stand in the expansiveness and authenticity of your soul.

Oh, and there are so many layers of expectations from so many people and places! The good news is that in a transformative community you are encouraged to think critically about those expectations.

In The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brene Brown, she says, “Practicing critical awareness is about reality-checking the messages and expectations that drive the ‘never good enough’ gremlins.”

Um, yes, please! What I have found in my personal experience is that reality-checking puts me in a place of choice: do I want to take, tweak, or toss this expectation? And the process of choosing for myself empowers me to be the person I want to be while also honoring the right of others to do the same.

From this place, I can step out of victimhood and blame. It’s no longer about making them bad, evil, and wrong. It’s about claiming my power to choose for myself. This is who we are at the Centre for Spiritual Living White Rock. As a transformative community, we support your intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and personal growth in service to a shift in paradigm – both personally and globally – that reveals your Divinity while also inspiring you to embrace the creative power of your heart and mind.

If this sounds as delicious to you as it does to me, then I hope you’ll join us for a Sunday celebration soon!

Much Love,


Sundays at 10:30 am Sunnyside Community Hall 1845 154 St, Surrey, BC V4A 5J8 Link to map:

★★★★☆ · Banquet hall

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