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Resources to Help You Ease Fear

As a spiritual leader, it’s my job to offer guidance and support – especially during times of challenge and upheaval. And yet, I too am facing the same uncertainty, emotions, and overwhelm that you are facing. So this week I want to share with you some resources that I’m turning to for reassurance and connection.

The first one is a powerful talk by Elizabeth Gilbert called “Facing Fear with a Compassionate Heart.” If you need comfort, encouragement, and space to feel how you feel without shame, then you will want to listen to this and, if you’re like me, you’ll want to listen multiple times. This talk feels like a hug. Elizabeth Gilbert demonstrates and teaches us a spiritual practice to help alleviate fear – not by banishing it, but by nurturing it with unconditional compassion and love. This talk is especially helpful for those who were taught to ‘just get over it’ or to ‘buck up.’ If your usual tricks to get over fear aren’t working, then here is a potent alternative way for you.

Another source of support and guidance is Tara Brach, meditation teacher, psychologist, and author. In one of her recent talks called “Sheltering In Love,” she goes over the physiological impact of fear and how you can calm your nervous system with the practice of RAIN:

  1. Recognize what is happening

  2. Allow the experience to be there, just as it is

  3. Investigate with interest and care

  4. Nurture with self-compassion

If you want to move from reacting to responding, from fear to compassionate courage, then this video is for you. It’ll walk you through the RAIN process step-by-step and provide a short guided meditation so that you can practice and tend to yourself. 

Finally, I’ve found that my daily spiritual practice is more important than ever. I have deepened my commitment to meditation, prayer, exercise, journaling, and creative expression. I love meditating with Insight Timer. It’s an app you can put on your phone for free. They have a paid version, but I use the free one. They have a huge library of guided meditations and a timer so that you can meditate without watching the clock. You can become friends with other meditators around the world and my favorite part is that they give you stars the more you meditate!  Here is the link to download the app:

About the author

Reverend Cassandra Rae is an unexpected minister! She was raised evangelical Baptist and spent her twenties as an angry atheist. Then she had a medical crisis, which launched her onto a spiritual journey of healing and self-discovery. Now she's an advocate for an empowered spirituality that embraces your humanity as the path of knowing your divinity.

About the Centre for Spiritual Living White Rock

We believe that spiritual community is key in living a life of purpose and meaning. We gather to inspire, support, and invite heartfelt connection that empowers the soul.

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