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The Audacity of Authenticity

Updated: Dec 4, 2019

By Cassandra Rae

Hello Dear One,

Isn’t it funny that the week after I gave a talk on self-care that I needed to slow down and rest?! It’s really easy for me to get caught up in the doing of life. But this week my soul guided me to pause and relax into the loving embrace of Life.

I often feel a sense of urgency: this has to get done now! But that approach actually interferes with the unfoldment of Spirit’s highest vision. To be honest, sometimes that irritates me! But I consistently return to letting go of trying to make everything happen and allowing Life to unfold…all while still moving forward and meeting deadlines!

I met with my mentor this week and he reminded me to surrender. He reminded me to plant seeds and know that they bear fruit. He reminded me that it’s not me that makes that happen. What a relief! The seeds we plant in consciousness have all they need within them to take root, grow, and blossom.

My part is to cultivate a receptive environment by tending to myself and my projects. While I might still be doing a lot, I’m coming from a different place and energy. I am being of service to the highest and best unfoldment of Spirit. I can yield to that which wants to be known and expressed now at this stage of the journey.

You know, this topic is so important because this coming Sunday we will be exploring creating peace via authenticity. In the same way we surrender to Spirit’s highest vision, we are also called to surrender to our authentic self. Why? Because your authentic self is Spirit’s highest vision!

It might be scary to be your authentic self; however, the deepest experiences of Peace happen inside your authentic expression even when your authenticity disrupts the status quo.

Whoa! That blows my mind. In fact, I’m not even sure how that works. This is why I am so excited to delve into it with you this Sunday. Please join me as we explore the Audacity of Authenticity as our first Sunday Creating Peace Anew in December.

Here’s to the courage of authentic expression, Cassandra

Sunday, December 1, 2019, 10:30 am Centre for Spiritual Living White Rock

Sunnyside Community Hall 1845 154 St, Surrey, BC V4A 5J8

Categories: Surrender, Faith, Authenticity, Peace

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