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Treatment Works!

CSL White Rock

Last Saturday we had a very successful Annual clothing sale. We brought in the most income ever, in 5 years! So many of our members donated their time to come and help sort and gather to help make our ‘pop up’ clothing store a huge hit.

Ernest Holmes our founder of this philosophy said, “There is one power in the Universe, and we can all use it”.

Our clothing sale was a perfect example of this. My Practitioner moment for this week is based on 2 demonstrations of Intention; our Centre’s theme this past week.

My first demonstration of Intention was the gift of participating in spiritual fellowship. We had over 12 people volunteering to help in some way to support our Sale. Spending time with these with all of these amazing people was just pure inspiration and fun.

The second demonstration began when Jill Inglis, one of my Practitioners partners, and I, were standing in her kitchen looking at each other wondering aloud about the lack of customers. Jill was hosting this clothing sale in her front driveway. It started at 9 am and there were only a couple of shoppers. This was not our experience in the past. She and I decided it was time for a Spiritual Mind treatment. We know that the Universe is limitless, and we also know that whenever we connect with Divine Intelligence and claim for ourselves our Intentions, a demonstration will show up. We then went back into her driveway and sure enough there was a small crowd. We looked at each other and laughed. Jill and I had merely created an image of what we knew would show up.’

Ernest Holmes also said “Life is infinite energy coupled with limitless creative imagination. It is the invisible essence and substance of every visible form. Its nature is goodness, truth, wisdom and beauty, as well as energy and imagination. Our highest satisfaction comes from a sense of conscious union with this invisible Life. All human endeavor is an attempt to get back to first principles, to find such an inward wholeness that all sense of fear, doubt and uncertainty vanishes”

We trusted that Treatment indeed does work, and it did!


Georgia Nieken

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