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What Does Your Soul Want to Be?

Hello Dear One,

Whew! Have you found your center again after the holidays? The holidays have a way of bringing stuff up - even when you choose to opt out! I traveled this year to visit family in Oregon and Washington. While I'm grateful I went, I'm also grateful to be back in the comfort of my home and routines.

I'm settling back in and reflecting on how this last year unfolded and what I might want to create in the coming year. As my spiritual practice deepens, I find myself getting more and more curious:

What is it that my soul wants to be?

And how can I be of service?

I'm learning that the more I can embody and become a desirable trait (like authenticity or kindness), the more I'm guided in what to do next. I see how the doing of life flows best from the being of life. So my job is to tend to the being and allow the doing.

This is why I love the life visioning process created by Rev Dr Michael Bernard Beckwith. He says it "is a life-changing spiritual technology of conscious participation in the evolution of your consciousness." Yes! I want to be an active participant in the evolution of my consciousness. He goes on to say that this is "about the evolution of who and what you are as a unique, individualized emanation of Source and what you have come on the planet to learn, express, and contribute." Would you like to know what you came here to learn, express, and contribute? I know I do!

At our last gathering, we went through a winter solstice process of identifying what we are complete with and ready to release. I identified a life-long pattern within myself that has consistently stopped me from being my fullest self. I wrote it down on a piece of paper and when I let it go, I decided right then and there, that I was done with it and it was done with me. Now I feel a new spaciousness and a bubbling up of excitement for what's to come next.

I can't wait to gather with you again as we come together to tap into the highest vision of our soul's calling. It truly is an honor to be on this journey with you. I hope to connect with you soon.

Much Love,


Cassandra Rae, spiritual director

Centre for Spiritual Living White Rock

"What Is Your 2020 Vision?" on Sunday, December 29, 2019 at 10:30 am (doors open at 10:00)

Sunnyside Community Hall

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